Fun-A-Day DC here comes fun!

Fun-A-Day DC
Just what is Fun-A-Day?

Fun-a-Day starts January 1st!
Here’s the idea: Pick a project or activity, do it every day(ish) in January. Show or describe your work in the Fun-A-Day Showcase in February if you’d like!

It’s about starting the year off on a positive, creative note. It’s about growing something beautiful in the dead of winter. Everyone is welcome and you can join at any time in January. Participation is always free, non-juried, and all ages. Stay loose, stay cool. It’s not about the numbers, it’s about the action. It’s about trying to make creativity a part of your daily schedule.

Your project could be artistic (working on one object/task or creating something new every day/few days.) It could be learning/practicing a new skill (creative, musical, physical.) Or it could be something that brings you joy like reading, writing, exploring, stretching, etc.

Indulge yourself by diving (or easing) into projects or activities you’ve been daydreaming of. Use Fun-A-Day as an excuse to explore creatively with no pressure.

Fun-A-Day was started in 2004 by the Artclash Collective in Philly with the aim to create a fun, inclusive, and participatory art community. DC’s Fun-A-Day chapter was founded in 2011 with that same aim, and Rhizome has been our Showcase’s home since 2018 (we <3 you, Rhizome.) Self-directed & community-based, this annual event is now taking place in cities & towns around the world, organized by different art collectives and groups of friends.

If you’d like to participate in DC’s Fun-A-Day, you can find a link to sign up and project ideas here!

Get stoked because HERE COMES FUN!

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